A while back I saw a TikTok video where Gordon Ramsay was making his perfect scrambled eggs. He did a few things with the pot and the kicker was adding a spoonful of cream to the mix near the end. I thought it was weird at first, but it’s Gordon Ramsay and he doesn’t play around. And yeah, I have TikTok, but it’s mostly sports videos, people doing talent-less dances, and random foods I want to try but probably would screw up like most dishes.

Today I finally tried it but I used light sour creme. Ramsay said creme and I had no idea what he meant by that, so I grabbed the light sour cream which was a really dumb thing to do, because the LIGHT version of just about anything totally sucks. Just get the real sour cream like a real man, right? I’ll do that next time, but this time it was all I had.

I fired up garlic, onions, and jalapeno peppers in extra virgin olive oil. Then cracked the eggs into the pan after the toppings were soft. When the eggs were mostly done – that’s when I added the spoonful of sour cream and stirred it in. I also threw a piece of government cheese Kraft Singles on top for good measure, because why the hell not. I topped it off with “Make It Taste Better” – a seven spice blend I bought at a store called Peppers.com in Delaware.

Turns our Gordon Ramsay was right once again. These were probably the best eggs I was able to make on my own. I can’t cook that great, but I’m good at eating, and I’d do it again no doubt.

Throw a spoonful of cream on those eggs and have fun. If you don’t like it, then like Gordon Ramsay likes to say, you can “piss off!”