Smoked Applewood Cheddar Stuffed Burgers

Ingredients and Tools Required

To create the ultimate Smoked Applewood Cheddar Stuffed Burgers, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Ground beef: 2 pounds of high-quality ground beef (80/20 mix for optimal juiciness)
  • Smoked Applewood cheddar cheese: 8 ounces, cut into small cubes or shredded
  • Burger buns: 4 to 6 large, sturdy buns that can hold up to the juicy burgers
  • Seasonings for the beef: Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • Optional toppings: Lettuce, tomato slices, red onion rings, pickles, and your favorite condiments

In addition to the ingredients, you’ll need the following tools:

  • Grill: A charcoal or gas grill for cooking the burgers
  • Grill spatula: To flip the burgers without breaking them
  • Large bowl: For mixing the ground beef and seasonings
  • Cheese grater: If you prefer to shred your cheddar cheese
  • Knife: To cut the cheese into cubes, if that’s your preferred method
  • Measuring spoons: For accurately measuring your seasonings

Having all your ingredients and tools ready before you start will make the process of creating these mouthwatering stuffed burgers much smoother and more enjoyable.

Preparing the Smoked Applewood Cheddar Filling

To prepare the Smoked Applewood Cheddar filling that will be the heart of your stuffed burgers, start by taking your 8 ounces of Smoked Applewood cheddar cheese. If you have a block of cheese, use a knife to cut it into small, 1/4-inch cubes. Alternatively, if you prefer the cheese to be more evenly distributed within the burger, use a cheese grater to shred it. The size and shape of the cheese will slightly alter the melting characteristics and the bursts of flavor you get with each bite, so choose based on your personal preference.

Once your cheese is prepared, set it aside. In a large bowl, mix the ground beef with your chosen seasonings. For a simple yet effective seasoning, combine 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper with the 2 pounds of ground beef. Mix the seasonings into the meat until they are just incorporated, being careful not to overwork the meat as this can make your burgers tough.

Now, take a small handful of the seasoned ground beef and flatten it into a thin patty that’s slightly larger than the size of your burger buns. Place a portion of the cut or shredded Smoked Applewood cheddar in the center of the patty. Then, take another handful of ground beef, flatten it to the same size as the first patty, and place it on top of the cheese. Carefully seal the edges of the two patties together, ensuring that the cheese is completely encased within the beef. This will prevent the cheese from leaking out during the grilling process.

Repeat this process until all your beef is used up, which should yield about 4 to 6 stuffed burger patties, depending on their size. Once all the patties are formed, they should be placed in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This chilling time helps the patties to firm up, which will make them easier to handle on the grill and help to keep the cheese inside the burger as it cooks.

While the patties are chilling, this is a good time to prepare your grill and any other toppings or condiments you’ll be using. Preheat your grill to a medium-high heat, which will give your burgers a nice sear on the outside while still allowing the inside to cook through without burning. Now, with your Smoked Applewood Cheddar filling prepared and your patties chilling, you’re ready to move on to grilling and assembling your stuffed burgers.

Grilling and Assembling the Stuffed Burgers

When it’s time to grill your Smoked Applewood Cheddar Stuffed Burgers, ensure your grill is preheated to a medium-high temperature. A hot grill is crucial for creating a seared crust on the burgers, which not only adds flavor but also helps to seal in the juices. Place the chilled patties on the grill and cook for about 4 to 5 minutes on one side. Avoid pressing down on the burgers with your spatula, as this can cause the juices to escape, resulting in a drier burger.

After the first side has developed a nice crust, use your grill spatula to carefully flip the burgers. Continue to cook for an additional 4 to 5 minutes, or until the desired doneness is reached. Remember that the cheese inside will need enough heat to melt, so adjust your cooking time accordingly. If you’re using a meat thermometer, aim for an internal temperature of 160°F for a well-done burger, which is the recommended temperature for ground beef to ensure food safety.

Once your burgers are cooked to perfection, remove them from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute throughout the burger, ensuring that each bite is as succulent as the last. While the burgers are resting, you can toast the burger buns on the grill for a minute or two, if desired, to add a bit of crunch and warmth.

Now it’s time to assemble your Smoked Applewood Cheddar Stuffed Burgers. Place each burger on the bottom half of a toasted bun. If you’re adding optional toppings, layer them on top of the burger. Some classic choices include crisp lettuce, fresh tomato slices, red onion rings, and tangy pickles. Finally, add your favorite condiments, such as ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, or a special burger sauce, to the top bun before placing it on top of the burger.

Serve your Smoked Applewood Cheddar Stuffed Burgers immediately while they’re still hot and the cheese is deliciously melted. Pair with a side of your choice, such as fries, coleslaw, or a simple salad, for a complete meal that’s sure to impress any burger enthusiast.